Showing posts with label origami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label origami. Show all posts

Thursday, January 07, 2021

FO: Purple Passap jumper


A finished jumper for the charity bag. Apologies for the parlous state of the carpet!


I've been dabbling with origami. Apologies for the parlous state of my keyboard!


Wintery view from my window. The £2 geranium is flowering a fourth time, despite not getting watered over Christmas. How's that for persistance?

Quite a few people I've spoken to this week are wearied and struggling to see a way forward. I am throwing myself into various hobbies - who knew origami was so addictive? There are an amazing amount of patterns online, and better than that, there's also youtube! Before Christmas I made a string of about eight different swatches of various yarns, the purple being one of them, so I've got another seven jumpers to calculate and knit up. I've various handknit projects on the go, cross-stitch, and when the creative muse leaves me there's still a ton of box sets as yet unwatched on All4. The weather was -2 degs C yesterday - we wouldn't be going out much at this time of the year anyway. In fact, WFH is ideal, much better than trying to struggle in with the roads frozen. Yes, the statistics are troubling, and my heart goes out to those struggling on the front lines, and those grieving people they've lost. But for the rest of us? This would have been SO much harder a few years ago, without all the technology to keep us connected. I for one didn't have a laptop capable of connecting for video chats. We just have to hang in there, keep ourselves busy and use this time to tackle all those little jobs we always say we haven't got time for.

Hugs to everyone out there - stay home, stay safe, and if you must go out, wear a mask! It keeps your nose warm!

Current mood: plotting and planning