Happy New Year! I hope you spent a lovely week off doing whatever you do. I just about managed to be better for December 24th, which was good as we had a buffet with one of the Cog's brothers and got to see part of their new house. Christmas day was just us, a nice lie in, a light lunch and chilling out over "Wallace and Gromit" and the "Gavin and Stacey" finale. I love that sitcom - Nessa is such a great character (though they're all really funny). Tidy! Mum came for lunch on Boxing day, and in the late afternoon we popped in to see Greg's parents. Dementia sucks, I only got a thousand yard stare from the Cog's dad, even tickling his feet didn't get a response. We had a fairly lazy week catching up on television (so many repeats, but the Lee Mack / Chris McCausland thing was funny), failed to meet a friend in Wolverhampton because they were also ill, and had a belated four course Italian xmas meal on the 29th. We met up with my sister's family and Mum again on NYE for lunch. Alas, the one vegan meal my sister had set her heart on was off at the local pub so she ended up picking at chips and looking miserable. Oh dear!
My best xmas present was a Brushboo (bamboo electric toothbrush) from the Cog, and some papercraft items from my lovely s-i-l. Everything else was mostly food and drink and we're still working through it! It's all a bit mad, really - I'm sure the money would be better spent on home improvements as we all have stuff we put off. I booked 2nd and 3rd off so had a fun day cranking with a machine knitting friend on the 2nd, and on the 3rd I was inspired enough to finally knit the second argyle sock. Alas, somehow I managed to make a mistake in the short-rowing but it's done, I'm over it.
My xmas present to myself was to replace my Pixel 4 with the Pixel 9. I *had* planned to pass my old smartphone onto my Mum as she wants to upgrade, but days later I got an email saying that Android is about to be upgraded to 15 and it'll adversely affect the battery life. Ugh. I'm back and forth trying to understand their appeasement thing but I reckon I'll be lucky to get £40 for it (or £80 if I want a new Pixel), and as mum doesn't NEED a gmail account and I'm getting fed up of the bots I appear to be conversing with, I'm tempted to suggest we go have a look for a newer phone for her as the Pixel 4 is about 7 years old. Can you believe the Google bots are now asking me for the receipt from 2017? Seriously? That's kind of insulting because I'll have to look through bank statements... Ugh! I think I'm going to take Mum to look at a new phone that's not tied to its operating system. Hello Moto indeed!
Mum had our "nativity scene" out on her mantelpiece this xmas, it was based on a Blue Peter project and was made when I was around 11 I think. My contributions are the scruffier ones. Mary looks like she can hold her own! Note, the cat is a new ornament, not part of the scene and is much better made!

Anyroad, I made a quick phone case on the CSM. It's on the 72/36 Imperia, usual rib tension, 75 rounds after the slip cast on and then carefully grafted. I can confidently say I now have a phone sock to match some sock socks!
I've also taken the plunge and joined the Machine Knit Community for a bit, see if I like it - I'd like to do one of their residential courses, but kept getting stuck at the password stage (and it may have sold out now). It closes soon to new members and won't reopen 'til April so if you were planning on joining, don't leave it too long! As yet I've not had chance to watch any of the videos up there (love me some Bill King) but that's my plan as soon as I get some free time.
Current mood: