Thursday, March 06, 2025

Bits and bobs


I had another lovely weekend at Kegworth, where I demonstrated and made 2.5 pairs of tube socks, despite my machine going "sproing!" at one point and trying to ditch the lot in my lap. The missing sock has been knitted but is still on the machine.


This keyboard case was actually made towards the end of last year and never got photographed. Not sure why! Pattern was made up on the fly.


Hat made from trophy yarn, a true one-off. Yes, it really is that neon in person!


And finally, the unfortunate Passap cardigan. It came out too short and there's way too much material in the sleeve head for me. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with it, but I went off it before I even finished sewing on the buttons. Pity, because it's a very cheerful colour.

Current mood: awake

Monday, February 24, 2025

FO: Peacock blue hat and Passap play...


Apologies for the marks on the hat, the mirror needs a clean. Still using up this yarn, I've half a pair of fingerless gloves on the go too. Does this hat need a pompom, do you think?

I've been working on a v-neck cardigan on the Passap, from an unknown salmon pink 3ply. To give it some body I thought I'd use K/K (aka full needle rib) instead of plain stocking stitch, but didn't realise how much extra work it is to do increases in this fabric. I also (at one point) made a monster sleeve, that got frogged back. The cardigan is now finished but I forgot to add borders to the DAK pattern so it's a bit on the cropped side, and I'm not keen on how much extra fabric DAK seems to make in the armscye (but that could be operator error). A picture of that, next post. As I discovered, fully fashioned increasing as per the manual looks pretty neat. Being lazy and leaving the empty needle to pick up a loop is surprisingly holey! I guess it could become a feature elsewhere, but maybe not on the sleeves. Next DAK pattern I intend to measure myself and probably do raglan sleeves instead, I think they will work better though they are more work. 


Fully fashioned increasing in K/K, step 1 - needles moved out


Fully fashioned increasing in K/K, step 2 - empty needles filled with heels of previous stitches


Result when it's done as above


Result when empty needles are returned to work with no heel

The cardigan came out a bit "meh" if truth be told, another one for the charity pile. The yarn didn't cost me very much so it was a useful exercise on the Passap more than anything else. I am working my way through the Bill King videos on the MKC and that was inspiring, so I am already planning other things this year and may rethink what I was going to do with some burgundy bamboo yarn. 

This weekend I also had a play with the U100E transfer carriage, it didn't go so well but it turns out one of my brushes isn't in place (I thought it was a spare). Trying to work garter stitch out of the box was probably a bad idea too. I did play with long stitch, interlock and overknit which were interesting. 

Next weekend I'm teaching at the annual Kegworth CSM event, so do say hi if you're there! Family issues have kept me quite busy and quietly anxious even though a lot of it is things I can only sit and watch. 

Current mood: lethargic

Sunday, February 02, 2025

FO: Agnes cardigan


I think I accidentally doubled the buttonholes on this, but it doesn't really matter - I don't tend to wear them buttoned up anyway! Quite pleased with this and it's a cheerful colour.

Current mood: cold

Monday, January 27, 2025

Moving back into my room

On Saturday, we had a lovely, almost springlike, weather. Alas my partner and I missed the first few hours of it, because we were busily swapping our WFH offices. The Cog's worked in my knitting room, first on a folding camping table, and then from a proper sit-stand desk, since the 2020 lockdown started. I took over what had been his desk in the box (third) bedroom - not sure if that's a term that translates outside the UK. A "box" bedroom is a small bedroom that will only really take a single bed and a few items of furniture. Anyway, we managed to rig up a screen set up that will work for him temporarily. He can't use one of his two old monitors because he didn't have the right connectors, and as it's temporary (he's going to buy himself a superwide monitor) he can work off his laptop screen for a few days. Luckily his laptop is bigger than mine. We actually moved some of the items on Friday night (mostly because he invaded the 3rd bedroom and started getting cute with me) but it did mean that some of the difficult stuff was already shifted. It was certainly nice to get hoovering up in there! So I've swapped the snug navy blue room with all my stationary supplies (sob!) for a larger sunnier room under the eaves which we painted in a cheerful yellow. Yes, that was the irony of the pandemic for me - I'd just got that room the way I'd wanted it, and then had to give it up! My WFH desk is where the E6000 used to be, because I don't like having a computer monitor blocking the precious sunshine. Neither room has a large window so it's a pity to block whatever sun comes in with a computer. Yes, I did draw my room up in CAD, but I think I got the east-west dimension wrong because I definitely can't stack the out of use machines in the corner without a fight. Ah well, nothing's perfect!

The two monitors plus mounting bracket went down a storm on Freegle and have already been passed on, I could have freegled them several times. The lack of manners of some folks though - one person lived 44 miles away. What on earth are they doing on Freegle Rugby? Don't answer that... As it was, a nice chap popped over at lunchtime and the set up now has a new home. 

So, I've been attempting to use up the kingfisher blue yarn leftovers to make a hat. The first hat came out way too tight, and the second looked like a too-short condom, so it's been knitted and frogged twice. Let's hope the third time is the charm?! In both cases the machine fought me all the way but I think it's down to my being out of practice more than mechanical failure really. Let's hope this is the year I can get back on track in there! 

Current mood: happy

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A rose by any other name...

Not much to report lately, other than I am making more roses! I am not sure I'm up to the amount that was hinted at, but I'll have a go nevertheless. I spent a fun few hours at the Alex with my friend C, and got her making a heel on her Russian CSM (which is quicker as it's an unusual midgauge CSM so less needles). She's also got two Gearhearts, only one of which is functional. The badly-behaved one actually cost more, so it just goes to show you never know. 

All of the Christmas chocolate Roses and Quality Street have long gone, and the last of the Christmas snacks (asides from crackers for cheese). I find both chocolate brands disappointing now - the useful tins are now plastic and much smaller, and the selections less in both cases. QS wins for me because of the recyclable packing - I really do hate modern "flow wrapping", it was much more fun to delicately peel off the foil and try to keep it intact (not to mention it could be recycled). That pleasure is now solely restricted to the noisette triangle and Cadbury's Creme Eggs! Boo! I did receive some very nice Lily O'Brien chocolates which disappeared VERY quickly. I do also like those Lindor balls, too much in fact! The weather's been either very cold/icy or not quite so cold/foggy. I'm appreciating the chance to hibernate, even though I'm not home as much as I'd like for various reasons!

I'm still hoping to knit down some stash this year - I've some leftover teal wool from this jumper to use up, so either a hat, scarf or pair of gloves. I've never found making full gloves on the knitting machine much fun - the main part is ok but the fingers are such a fiddle I'd much rather do that bit on DPNs in front of the television. Of course, mittens are much easier. The next large project will probably be something in some burgundy bamboo, because the SK260 is up, and then something with knitweave which needs to be a Brother machine I think, for ease. 

Current mood: impressed and still exploring the Machine Knit Community

Friday, January 10, 2025

Finished objects 2024 and the year in review

In a slight change from previous years, I'll just link to the blog posts of last year's projects. I thought I hadn't done that much on the knitting machines, but it seems my attention was just elsewhere! To be fair, the first few months of the year were taken up with car stress, and later on I was focused on organising my first ever two day MK event in May. In July some work-related strife took up a lot of headspace and affected my mental health, which has taken some months for me to process.

My main focus this year was knitting down stash until it was all used up, hence two garments and all the dishcloths in King Cole Bamboo. I experimented with both two colour tunisian and cabled tunisian crochet, and experimented with and then sold on the Dean and Bean CSM when I decided I preferred the metal Imperia (less finicky and too delicate for this clumsy oaf!)

I'm currently exploring the amazing universe that is the Machine Knitting Community - it's very impressive so far, so much information! I'm on the pay monthly thing at the moment but may convert to annual now I'm getting the hang of it a bit! I really want one of their t-shirts, too!

Dean & Bean tube sock test #1 60 cylinder green

Dean & Bean tube sock test #2 60 cylinder blue - it's on Ravelry but not blogged apparently

Red Berry Hill 187-18, Tunisian sheep cushion

Brushed acrylic tanktop

Christine shawl, Passap simple baby blanket

San Marino Scarf - This did get finished but I cannot figure out where I posted that photo because it made it onto Ravelry

Passap scarf (Bitty)

Standard Gauge Lace Yoke Top

194-36 Blue Helix

Ballband dishcloth 2024, easy dishcloth

Light Heart Dishcloth - crochet, not pictured, gifted at xmas

Folding keyboard cover - crochet, not pictured for some reason

CSM socks: Autumn colours - These have been given to my cousin, he had a choice of colours but liked these best!

Mobile phone sleeve

Cabled headband

Falling leaves fingerless gloves

Finally, a crochet charity blanket from leftovers that didn't warrant an entry on Ravelry apparently...


Thursday, January 09, 2025

Happy New year, happy new gear?

Happy New Year! I hope you spent a lovely week off doing whatever you do. I just about managed to be better for December 24th, which was good as we had a buffet with one of the Cog's brothers and got to see part of their new house. Christmas day was just us, a nice lie in, a light lunch and chilling out over "Wallace and Gromit" and the "Gavin and Stacey" finale. I love that sitcom - Nessa is such a great character (though they're all really funny). Tidy! Mum came for lunch on Boxing day, and in the late afternoon we popped in to see Greg's parents. Dementia sucks, I only got a thousand yard stare from the Cog's dad, even tickling his feet didn't get a response. We had a fairly lazy week catching up on television (so many repeats, but the Lee Mack / Chris McCausland thing was funny), failed to meet a friend in Wolverhampton because they were also ill, and had a belated four course Italian xmas meal on the 29th. We met up with my sister's family and Mum again on NYE for lunch. Alas, the one vegan meal my sister had set her heart on was off at the local pub so she ended up picking at chips and looking miserable. Oh dear! 

My best xmas present was a Brushboo (bamboo electric toothbrush) from the Cog, and some papercraft items from my lovely s-i-l. Everything else was mostly food and drink and we're still working through it! It's all a bit mad, really - I'm sure the money would be better spent on home improvements as we all have stuff we put off. I booked 2nd and 3rd off so had a fun day cranking with a machine knitting friend on the 2nd, and on the 3rd I was inspired enough to finally knit the second argyle sock. Alas, somehow I managed to make a mistake in the short-rowing but it's done, I'm over it. 

My xmas present to myself was to replace my Pixel 4 with the Pixel 9. I *had* planned to pass my old smartphone onto my Mum as she wants to upgrade, but days later I got an email saying that Android is about to be upgraded to 15 and it'll adversely affect the battery life. Ugh. I'm back and forth trying to understand their appeasement thing but I reckon I'll be lucky to get £40 for it (or £80 if I want a new Pixel), and as mum doesn't NEED a gmail account and I'm getting fed up of the bots I appear to be conversing with, I'm tempted to suggest we go have a look for a newer phone for her as the Pixel 4 is about 7 years old. Can you believe the Google bots are now asking me for the receipt from 2017? Seriously? That's kind of insulting because I'll have to look through bank statements... Ugh! I think I'm going to take Mum to look at a new phone that's not tied to its operating system. Hello Moto indeed!

Mum had our "nativity scene" out on her mantelpiece this xmas, it was based on a Blue Peter project and was made when I was around 11 I think. My contributions are the scruffier ones. Mary looks like she can hold her own! Note, the cat is a new ornament, not part of the scene and is much better made!



Anyroad, I made a quick phone case on the CSM. It's on the 72/36 Imperia, usual rib tension, 75 rounds after the slip cast on and then carefully grafted. I can confidently say I now have a phone sock to match some sock socks! 


I've also taken the plunge and joined the Machine Knit Community for a bit, see if I like it - I'd like to do one of their residential courses, but kept getting stuck at the password stage (and it may have sold out now). It closes soon to new members and won't reopen 'til April so if you were planning on joining, don't leave it too long! As yet I've not had chance to watch any of the videos up there (love me some Bill King) but that's my plan as soon as I get some free time.

Current mood: enthralled