On Saturday, we had a lovely, almost springlike, weather. Alas my partner and I missed the first few hours of it, because we were busily swapping our WFH offices. The Cog's worked in my knitting room, first on a folding camping table, and then from a proper sit-stand desk, since the 2020 lockdown started. I took over what had been his desk in the box (third) bedroom - not sure if that's a term that translates outside the UK. A "box" bedroom is a small bedroom that will only really take a single bed and a few items of furniture. Anyway, we managed to rig up a screen set up that will work for him temporarily. He can't use one of his two old monitors because he didn't have the right connectors, and as it's temporary (he's going to buy himself a superwide monitor) he can work off his laptop screen for a few days. Luckily his laptop is bigger than mine. We actually moved some of the items on Friday night (mostly because he invaded the 3rd bedroom and started getting cute with me) but it did mean that some of the difficult stuff was already shifted. It was certainly nice to get hoovering up in there! So I've swapped the snug navy blue room with all my stationary supplies (sob!) for a larger sunnier room under the eaves which we painted in a cheerful yellow. Yes, that was the irony of the pandemic for me - I'd just got that room the way I'd wanted it, and then had to give it up! My WFH desk is where the E6000 used to be, because I don't like having a computer monitor blocking the precious sunshine. Neither room has a large window so it's a pity to block whatever sun comes in with a computer. Yes, I did draw my room up in CAD, but I think I got the east-west dimension wrong because I definitely can't stack the out of use machines in the corner without a fight. Ah well, nothing's perfect!
The two monitors plus mounting bracket went down a storm on Freegle and have already been passed on, I could have freegled them several times. The lack of manners of some folks though - one person lived 44 miles away. What on earth are they doing on Freegle Rugby? Don't answer that... As it was, a nice chap popped over at lunchtime and the set up now has a new home.
So, I've been attempting to use up the kingfisher blue yarn leftovers to make a hat. The first hat came out way too tight, and the second looked like a too-short condom, so it's been knitted and frogged twice. Let's hope the third time is the charm?! In both cases the machine fought me all the way but I think it's down to my being out of practice more than mechanical failure really. Let's hope this is the year I can get back on track in there!
Current mood: happy
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