Sunday, June 17, 2007

Two more FOs!

Well, despite hot, muggy weather, I managed to complete two hand-knitting projects...

The neon jumper of luridness was finished Thursday night, quite late. I've only sewn up one side seam so far.

The Emily hat was finished en route to Nottingham to see "Riders on the Storm" yesterday. Thank goodness for roadworks, I say! I've sewn in the ends, but might add a pom-pom. We shall see. Been told I look like a smurf in it. Gee, thanks!

Started cutting out pieces for my first ever machine-sewing project - a child's bean-bag. I should probably have laid the pattern pieces out better - five segments are right-way-up, but one had to be squeezed in upside-down. It's a squared pattern in primary colours, with elephants and birds. Oh well. Haven't cut out the lining yet, but it took me over an hour to get that far, and it's time for bed.

Current mood: energetic

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