- Where the passap pattern talks about the front bed, you work on the main bed, and vice versa (ie the beds are reversed).
- N = knit everything
- LX = knit everything, but where a pusher is in rest position, do not knit - equivalent to partial knitting on g a Japanese machine
- CX = circular knitting - on a Passap, this is done clockwise
- GX = free move on one or both beds
- Lock = carriage
- Stitch size (ss) = tension dial setting. Passaps go from 1 to 8 with increments of 0.25, Japanese machines go from 0 (sometimes minus) to 10 (or more) with increments of a third.
- KX = knit with pushers up, tuck with pushers down
- EX = knit to left, tuck to right (fisherman's rib)
- SX = preselect pushers (does not knit) - equivalent to a preselect row on Brother/Toyota
- AX = knit or tuck, depending on pushers
- BX = knit or slip, depending on pushers
- DX = knit to right, slip to left with pushers, knit to right, tuck to left with pushers in rest
- FX = knit when pushers in work, tuck to left and knit to right with pushers in rest
- HX = knit to right, slipt to left with pushers, slip in both directions with pushers in rest
- Orange strippers - these are used for double-bed work
- Black strippers - these are used for single-bed and circular work
- Arrow keys - these reverse the selection of the pushers on that lock, so if you had 10101 it would create 01010
- Handle up, handle down - these refer to the racking position. Handle down is half pitch.
Edit: As a rough guide, orange strippers tend to be used for ribbing and black for single bed work, but if you have groups of needles on both beds (eg for cables) then black strippers are used. Clear as mud?
Muito bom. Estou aprendendo em um Passap E6000. Seu Blog estรก me ajudando muito ๐๐ obrigada.
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