Hairpin (top) and broomstick (bottom) crochet. Hairpin residing in the "why on earth I don't even" category for me - you can see I gradually got better at it as I progressed, thanks in no small part to the excellent video here by the folks at Bernat. It still seems a little fiddly to me - Victorian ladies with too much yarn and not enough things to do with it?
The broomstick went a little better, thanks to Sandra's three part video tutorial here. I automatically picked up the second row using the back loop only; I think it looks nicer.
There's also another sock on the go:

It's a bit shorter than that now because whilst I was struggling with broomstick and hairpin, the sofa was busily eating my poor sock, and I dropped a load of stitches and had to frog a few rounds back this morning when I realised what a pig's ear I'd made of picking them back up. Mental note: put project somewhere safe when starting something else. Also: There's usually a good reason why your stitch count is out, doofus!
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