Wednesday, August 31, 2016

FO: Scrunchie

Just to prove I *was* actually doing some MK this weekend. Hoping the weather holds, because this shot was taken about ten minutes before I realised that the vest top, seen crumpled on the machine, had boobs level with my belly button, and rather deep armholes, so needs a re-knit. Oops.

I've also been making these out of leftover scraps of fabric. Yes, hair scrunchies - found the instructions here.

PS Becca, thanks for the lovely comments and info re the carpal tunnel. I should definitely look into Portuguese knitting I think. Pity there's not such an easy fix for crocheting. Regarding the carpal tunnel, I've been told to wear splints at night and mine's not bad enough to qualify for surgery. Wore the splint too tight one night and part of my left thumb went numb and has stayed that way. It gradually seems to be healing but I've left the splint off for now, because a numb hand doesn't seem like much of a trade-off! Also have been recommended tennis ball exercises so must look into that. Oh well, at least the cross-stitch is romping along. It doesn't thrill me though! I don't really need more samplers in the house.

Current mood: frustrated that I have mk to do and no craft room to do it in, and a deadline. Argh.

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