Saturday, February 19, 2022

Knitweave and some sewing projects

I had a lovely day demonstrating machine knitting to the members of the Stratford upon Avon WSD guild. It was the first time I've ever done a hybrid demonstration - some members were on Zoom - and I think perhaps the bandwidth wasn't great for that. I'm hoping that it got recorded and that the Zoomers can rewatch it without all the awful audio glitches. I took lots of sample garments and quickly demonstrated a bit of knitweave. 


Knitweave using mercerised cotton as base and Noro Kureyon for the weaving yarn


Reverse side


Eddie doesn't like storms, he spent most of Storm Eunice hiding in our wardrobe. Well, that and we had a gas fire engineer in to service the fireplace, and he hates disruptions, doorbells and visitors.


I sewed these trousers some time in the summer of 2021, and then never got around to taking a picture - I need to fix one of the hems but otherwise they're wearable. 


Face masks from leftover fabric

I feel like my mojo has finalled started to come back a bit - I've almost finished a crocheted gift for a friend, there will be a picture of that soon. There are lots of bulbs coming up in the garden. 

Current mood: enthralled

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