Sunday, September 01, 2024

Black dog

Apologies for the lack of content on here lately. The situation that started my mental funk didn't improve any (to be fair it's with a work colleague's behaviour, so not within my control) so the black dog has been snapping at my heels a bit lately. Never fear, I'm getting the help I need. I spent a lot of yesterday afternoon using my overlocker (US serger) turning an old but frayed bath towel into floor and general cleaning cloths, and managed to successfully rethread with black after one attempt. It looks like a black animal has been shedding fluff down one end of the living room, but hoovering is for another day.

I will be back, never fear, but would appreciate your thoughts and hugs in the meantime. 

Current mood: cynical


Anonymous said...

The black dog that sits in the corner who bothered Winston Churchill bothers me, too. I hope that you feel well soon!

ItMakesYouSmile said...
