Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cashmere and argh...

Finished the cashmere pashmina last night - one edge crocheted, to hide the yarn changes, and fringes both ends, completed whilst watching Gordon Ramsey's F word and then a programme about a 12 year old kid with a 15-a-day cigarette habit (!). Very pleased with it. although it's longer and thinner than I had imagined it would be...

Trying to get some exhibition boards for this weekend. So far no joy - 118118 are a bunch of useless muppets, too, despite the clever advertising! I wanted to yell "can I speak to someone else please?!". The first number I was given was in London, yeah, really helpful, and the second number appears to be a fax machine somewhere in Coventry.

Sheesh. You just couldn't make this sort of thing up, could you?!

The bean bag is all sewn up now and awaiting beans, although I've not tidied up any of the ends yet. Not sure whether I need to knot the cotton off or just cut it. Hopefully Wendy G'll tell me tonight! Might set a zip or press-studs in, instead of sewing it shut as per the directions. It'll need washing some day, I'm sure!


Julie Spriddle said...

When it comes to ends, you normally tidy them away by sewing them into the seam allowance.

i.e. leave enough of an end to thread through a hand sewing needle, then just sew a few small stitches over each other, so the needle goes into the same set of holes, with each thread in the SA next to the seam you've just sewn. Then snip off the remaining thread once its secured.

I also backstitch with the machine at the start and end of a seam to make sure the ends are secure.

steel breeze said...

Oh, I have always backstitched. I love that my machine has reverse, my mum's old cast-iron Singer didn't, you had to remember to start in the opposite direction!Looks like I need to get a needle out, then! :)