Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Well, I couldn't resist the colours of it when I made my Lizard Ridge blanket, so the sock weight version seduced me too. But it took a good twenty minutes to wind into a new ball - this yarn is very badly balanced and loves nothing better than to curl or knot with itself. Almost as bad as the SWTC Karaoke. I am hoping being slightly stretched in a new ball might ease it a little, but I'm not holding my breath! No problem with it on the knitting machine, although its thickness is a little variable. I don't think it'd be fun to knit with by hand though.

Made one sock last night, using one end of Kureyon Sock and one end of invisible thread. Socks feel quite stiff. Decided I am fed up of working 2x2 rib by hand (and I have another sock on those needles), so knitted one round very loosely (as a marker round) and then a further 60 rounds - I plan to ladder every 2 stitches down and reform as purl stitches. Wish me luck!

I later thought I could have probably scrapped every two stitches off onto some waste yarn, and then knitted the 60 rounds. Will have to have a play with this technique, methinks...

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