1. Cast on some knitting, end COL (Carriage On Left). Pull needle nearest carriage into HOLD, set carriage for HOLD, knit 2 rows. This automatically wraps the first needle, preventing a hole forming.

2. Put next working needle nearest carriage into HOLD, knit 2 rows.

3. As step 2

4. Ok, continue this until you have put all the knitting into hold. COR= Carriage On Right

5. Close-up - every stitch has a wrap except for the right-most one.

6. Push two needles nearest the carriage back to UWP, knit 1 row.

7. Pull nearest working needle back into HOLD, knit 1 row - this wraps the stitches on the way back, too.

8. As step 6

9. As step 7. Repeat steps 6 and 7, until all needles are back in working position. Knit 1 row loosely and cast off.

10. Close up of the wrong (purl) side

11. Close up of the right (knit) side
1 comment:
Why Oh Why didn't I see this before when I tried the MKAL for the mitered cardi?!! I tore it out only to see now that I was doing it correctly the first time!! *facepalm*
Thank you for assuring me of my sanity even during times of stress. :D
knittinbunny, Ravelry
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