Monday, February 21, 2011

When (machine) knitting goes wrong...

Maybe this should be part one in a series of fugly... (click for a bigger picture)

Picture 005

Picture 003

This is a hand-latched rib as per the LK150 Option 4 pattern book - you leave needles out of work and then latch them up, skipping the first three rows. I reckon I must have done something wrong. It was also about 16 needles too wide, but that's another matter entirely (and the math worked out in theory). It's already been frogged and replaced with a hand knit rib, but it was so bad I felt I had to capture it for posterity.

Next time - a versatile jacket that has no way of ever staying on your shoulders. Huh.

1 comment:

lzbthmcmullen said...

The reason your ribbing went wrong: when you latch up starting at the third row, catch the ladder with your latch tool from behind the work. then bring the loop down under the first rows to the front, then start latching up. this gives a neat edge. Diana Sullivan demonstrates it here: It's in the first video on this page. about 4 minutes in.