1. Match the stitch and row gauge of your knitleader to the pattern gauge. So, if they give the sts and rows to 10cm, convert this to get the measurements for 40 sts and 60 rows (this is what the Brother knitleader requires, your device may be different)
2. Load a blank sheet into the reader, and set the machine up as if to knit but with no needles in work and no yarn. Set carriage to hold.
3. Pull the end needle of the pattern - eg if the pattern calls for 85L and 85R to start, put one of them out to hold. This acts as a marker so you don't forget where you are.
4. Set the row counter to 0 and "air-knit" the pattern, using a washable marker to put a dot on the sheet every time shaping is done.
5. When all pieces have been traced, remove sheet from feeder and use the marker to join the dots.
6. Tip: Occasionally it's worth marking a little line with the row count - that way, if you get lost, you don't have to go right back to the beginning.
Voila - your pattern is converted, and can now be used for any gauge/yarn combination
This is brilliant. Perfect way to convert a pattern to the machine. Perhaps somewhat tedious, but as you say, once done, you can then use the KL "frontwards" with any yarn and gauge.
I'll be interested to hear how it works out. Thanks for transcribing all the steps.
Absolute genius.This will be very useful.Thanks.
Once again, Thank you!
This is so clever, never thought of doing it with the knit leader. I usually take the tension of pattern and work backwards so I have the measurements for a schematic in the size chosen, then apply my tension of my yarn to it , all using the magic formula. Shall try your way. Thank you very much!
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