So, last night I swatched some white slubby yarn (white with blobs of pink and pale blue fluff), the grey aran, some green lambswool for a sweater I promised I'd knit for himself aaages ago, and some black Bramwell with multi-colour slubs. The lambswool swatch has been washed (and feels a lot nicer than when it was knitted). I just need to sit down, measure up, and chart out some patterns. I suspect the blobby white stuff is going to be a small nightmare to knit, so that will have to be the simplest pattern.
The crochet shawl (sweet pea) is almost finished - one last half-row of crochet to apply. Then I really must get on and finish the second Estonian spiral sock. Last night I knitted a twisted tube scarf out of some mohair I discovered - won't affect the stash total, because it wasn't on there. I suspect it was a Linton yarn, it was very pretty. There wasn't enough of it to do much with it. I cast on for another mohair cowl, in a very pretty rainbow yarn, which is proving to be very hard on the needles - that at least is in the Rav stash. The downside of mohair is it's almost impossible to unpick, so once you've started something, it better be right!
Current mood:

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