Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Bits and bobs



Misty rainbow and burgundy socks made on the CSM.



Rosedale and spiral socks in progress. Two thirds of the last round of that sleeve is red after one of those pesky Noro knots, so a little tinking is in order because I suspect it'll bug me, and it'll be right on the arm scye. The spiral socks are fun but slow! I'm debating on when to terminate the spiralling...

Newsflash: in the back of "Think outside the sox" are some very useful instructions on various basic stitches. What I have been calling k2tog for forever, is actualy k2togtbl. Oops! Luckily I'm not too OCD about such things, but it's something to remember.

I'm not even halfway done on Rosedale and am thinking of getting 13 random skeins of Noro and knitting another one, but making it in intarsia stripes so as to make the most of those lovely slow ombre shifts. Hmm, a late autumn bout of startitis. The ravelry stash is at 98, below 100 for the first time in ages, and that includes 10 yarns destined for socks.

Current mood: amused

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