Friday, August 21, 2020

Scarecrow festival

scarecrow1 scarecrow2

Well, the local WI is having a "just for fun" scarecrow festival this weekend, so I borrowed some scare sheep and made a knitting scarecrow. The banner reads "After the storm comes the rainbow" and the famous "Knit on with hope and confidence in all crises" quote from Elizabeth Zimmerman. Seemed somewhat appropriate, though I doubt she foresaw covid. I spent an hour making rainbow bunting last night (you'll have to take my word for it, it's down the side out of shot), which the Cog duly tried dragging through the thorniest rosebush before he put it up! Argh!

It's very windy today, the ewe either rotates on her pivot like some sort of weather vane, or tips up under her own weight. I think I might re-site her to the magnolia patch. Off for a walk tonight to see which other scarecrows we can spot, supposed to be about 20.

Current mood: happy

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