Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Get ahead, get a hat...

Don't ask me why, but I seem to be on a bit of a hat jag lately. I hand-knitted another ribbed hat, started a third one from leftover sock yarn (yes, the spiral sock is now circling the recycling bin!). Then I made two on the Passap. One was from my personal pattern, 2x2 rib, and one was a fisherman's rib one from the Metbury Bitty book. The Metbury one is on the tight side after washing. I'm also playing with the DBJ on the machine and trying to calculate a hat pattern with it. Needless to say, I've ended up with two hats which wouldn't go amiss on some of the seven dwarves because they came out too tall! One of them is too tight for my head too, but would probably fit a child. If I come up with a sensible pattern I'll post it here. 


Handknit hats


Machine knit hats - Metbury is on the left


Passap hats - too tall! I may take the overlocker to these, to make them shorter.


The spiral sock. I'm too bored of it to finish it, alas. A picture taken just to prove how far I got!

After all the effort that went into the burgundy lambswool jumper, the cable has receded somewhat after a wash (yes, it's lambswool). It's still drying at the moment, not sure if it's shrunk too much to fit me - we shall see! Picture was taken before it was washed. The colour is loganberry according to the cone label.


Oh, I have been having fun making these little origami christmas trees, after a brief segment on Sunday Kitchen. They are very cute (mine are small because it's A5 notepaper, the only green paper I have in the house). 


Great for table centres I think!

Though I am in no way regretting our decision to stay home this Christmas - we've two teachers amongst our relatives, and that risk alone makes any indoors visits foolhardy - I must admit, I'm very weary of the whole thing now. Apart from short chats with my immediate department, and my sweetie, I don't get to speak to anyone else all day. Whilst I appreciate everyone's busy, I'd appreciate the odd phone call - being given tasks over email wouldn't have bothered me this time last year, but now it seems almost rude! I'm lonely. There, I said it. All the zoom calls and forum chats in the world cannot compensate for actual people. But the worst thing? It doesn't matter how I feel - this one is going to run and run - and there's nothing any of us seem to be able to do about it. Still, there's Christmas to look forward to. January? Meh - that's going to be quite a slog I think... 

Current mood:  weary

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