This is New Look 6371 - material (challis? cotton with a ripple, anyway!) bought from Coventry market. I think I could probably have gone down a size to be fair. After all the hassles I had getting the invisible zip in - the first one had to be scrapped after I ripped into it whilst trying to unpick it, having sewn into the teeth and rendered it useless - it turns out I can actually get this dress on with the zip closed! It's a dropped waist and handkerchief hem skirt (you can see it better on the pattern website). Very pleased with it, anyway. I've got some oversewing to do on some raw edges on the sleeves and then I'll get a proper picture taken with me in it! Of course we're now definitely into the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness (autumn for those who don't know their poetry), so it'll have to be worn with leggings. Next project is either a crossover top in a satiny polyester, or an evening gown for xmas with that really expensive fabric I got in 2009. Hmm. The former is a freebie pattern from a magazine a month or so, the latter is a pattern I picked up at Ally Pally at the weekend - rather like this one but I don't think the front is quite as gathered.
I finally got a decent single-bed tuck out of the Passap E6000 - but only because I used a comb and weights. So despite all the blurb about Passaps needing no weights, my machine clearly does! The proper 5mm combs aren't that easy to come by either although I'm sure most machine knitters of some experience are ingenious enough to rig something up. I know my fellow Rav mod Ozlorna once worked some lovely single bed tuck (guipiure? which I cannot spell?) by weighting it with a series of small padlocks.
Current mood:

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