Saturday, January 28, 2006

Weaving day

Spent a smashing day with the Walsall spinners and weavers - made a bookmark on an inkle loom, a coaster on a rigid heddle loom, and a small rug on a peg loom! I want a peg loom - it's so simple, and yet grows so fast! I must post pictures of my efforts. The right hand edge is a bit wibbly, but then I was talking. They have meetings which I'd love to join, but dammit Rugby is too far away! But Coventry has a guild too, must speak to Kellie and find out the calendar.

And... I hate to say it, but I told you so - that missing button turned up in the tumble dryer, the day after I bought some new ones! Don't know whether to take them back, or make something for my baby niece with them.

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