Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Yes, January and February so far seem to be full of postponements, cancellations, missed connections and various minor irritations. We are having our kitchen replaced this year - we paid the deposit in June and everything was set for March, but then our contractor had to drop out due to ill health, and all of a sudden it's arriving a month later. Some sort of administrative cock up because the physical kitchen is still currently set to ARRIVE in March, I hope it gets rebooked otherwise our garage will be stuffed full  and impossible to access for four weeks. Fine by me, I was sending myself mad trying to gradually move things around so that the living/dining room can also become a kitchen for a while. The mental 3d Tetris involved seems insurmountable though I'm certain it won't be, when the time comes. So it's meant getting rid of a small fridge and a side table, and gradually putting various items onto Freegle or up into the attic for disposal/storage. 

Some Freeglers are lovely; some are most definitely resellers who don't seem to realise that by using the (somewhat flaky) app, I can see they've asked for every single thing I've posted - I've no problem with resellers, except for the lack of honesty on their part. Some seem to think Freegle is some sort of free Amazon service, delivery included. Some folks just don't seem to be able to resist asking for something, but have no actual intention of getting in further contact or turning up to collect it, and sadly a lot of folks can't even use full sentences or use the word "please" when making requests. I keep trying, because I hate throwing good stuff in the bin, but I can see why most folks can't be bothered with the hassle of keeping perfectly good things out of landfill. I've been corresponding with someone since the 4th February over some magnetic fridge poetry - I'm starting to not believe the excuses they've made for not showing up (and it's in a tub behind our wheelie bins, they don't even have to risk catching  COVID, or meeting a human, to pick it up!). 

At the moment, every car advert is like salt in the wound for me, not to mention the thought of all the places I used to be able to get to independantly - just nipping into town on the way home to pick something up. Last week, a quick trip to the supermarket was almost a treat - but don't go Friday nights, the place is crawling with roughly 50% maskless covidiots. Why anyone thinks a zoonotic virus gives a flying fig about the latest government guidelines (getting more lax here by the day) I don't understand. I'd rather stay home or err on the side of extreme caution until most of the world is vaccinated. I always thought I might eventually turn into a reclusive little old lady, surrounded by her craft pursuits - who knew it would come thirty years early? We went for a walk first thing today and saw a bus go by - five maskless passengers. It's the worst of times and the best of times not to be able to drive. Sigh. I never realised, but there's a whole hidden class of people that have no choice but to rely on public transport - which is great if you live in London, not so much anywhere else in the country. 

Anyway, I ramble, as seems to be my wont in wintertime, when regular sleep goes out of the window and everything seems just too annoying to deal with. I am still sewing facemasks, though mostly to replace my first, not so well-fitting ones - if I didn't already mention it, I am now wearing varifocals, which has made better-fitting masks a must if I am not to walk around in a permanent fog of my own making. Though a good friend recommended "Muc off", a spray used for motorcycle helmet visors and swimming goggles, and it's a revelation I tell you! No more steamed up spectacles! 

I've pulled a knee ligament (I did the splits on ice a week into 2022) which hasn't helped with the sleep, it is VERY painful when touched, which happens all night as I am a side sleeper. I suspect COVID burnout is starting to get to me, I am paranoid, over-anxious and sometimes on the verge of tears if anyone's too nice to me. Perhaps HRT is required, I couldn't get the doctor's opinion on that. Everyone seems fractious and overwrought, but then maybe that's just me. The mailman delivers nothing but junkmail; I long for friendly faces and correspondance. 

On a more positive note, I am crocheting something which I cannot share until it is with the recipient, because I want it to be a surprise. I've had to frog about 1000 stitches a few times though, I can't get the maths to add up correctly, so there has been some fudging going on. We've also had a few things done on the house - my office window has been replaced (blown vacuum) and repaired (dropped hinge), so no more draughts. The garage lock has been replaced and the tracks relubricated, now it's in danger of chinning anyone unwary enough to stand too close to it. The heating system has been fixed, and we await new blinds for the Cog's office. This is all stuff that wouldn't happen if we weren't WFH. Small victories, take them where you can. I bought a second-hand MK book with some inspiring projects in it and am hoping it will bring my crafting mojo back. 

I will try and post some pictures of current projects next time. 

Current mood: annoyed

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