The idea is that you bring in any unwanted yarn, notions, magazines, etc and swap them. I had a bit of a manic sort out on Tuesday night. It was so nice to revisit some of my stash. Alas, I was loathe to give things away for various different reasons, not least because my brain is always "but I could use that for...!" I managed to part with a few nice things. I still have a few balls of "I don't know why I bought it, but it's really nice and I'm keeping it" - each ball a unique testament to my lack of willpower when faced with nice yarn. I'm not the only sufferer of this though!
Anyway, I shifted a load of my knitting magazines - I buy them for the ideas, not the patterns, but I have to admit nothing really tickles me lately. I want to see something really way-out in there! I came back with two more yarns of neon luridness, courtesy of Mandy - a mix of purple, pink and yellow mostly. I've rewound one ball ready for the knitting machine, but the tumble drier's also running in there and I gave up on the second one, I'm too hot! Also Julie gave me a load of old Burda magazines (sewing) - I'm wanting to get good at sewing, and finding Burda very hard to come by. Not even the WHSmiths in Birmingham, which has the largest collection of magazines known to man, including Sandra (german knitting magazine) and an american crochet magazine - was of any use. Managed to find the only newsagent in Coventry that sells it. And no, I'm not telling!
I also came back with stuff nobody wanted - yarn mostly - so from a de-stashing point of view it was a total disaster for me! :) Never mind!
The neon jumper of luridness is now onto the final straits, the front (or back. Whatever!). The Emily hat continues apace - I'm going to make it really long I think! Got nothing much planned this weekend except for a quick jaunt to Shades of Cashmere and poss. some knitting in public on Saturday, so might dig out the lace!
Right, off for a walk. It's a pleasant evening!
Current mood:
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