Tuesday, November 18, 2014

FO: More CSM socks

Picture 023

Picture 019

These went up on the etsy shop at the weekend, technically they are "small" ie too small for me (I am a size 7). I think I might need to experiment with sizing and also maybe try taking needles out of the cylinder. A 72 cylinder makes a nice enough sock, but if you have very narrow feet or narrow ankles they might not be so good. Maybe I need to make a prototype pair for A at work, she is size 5 and has very narrow feet. Not that she's asked, I just know she is a narrow foot. Hmmm.

Of course, I could buy a new CSM with less needles, but I think the Cog might flip, we're already tripping over knitting machines as it is...

Still waiting on getting the shower fixed. Fingers crossed it'll be fixed today. Fed up of having to shower down the gym.

Current mood: grim

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